Dublin Rolfing

Tony Walsh

Certified Advanced RolferŪ

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"When the body becomes more aligned through Rolfing, the posture can become taller, straighter and free from chronic pain" - Dr. Ida P Rolf

What is the typical process?

The actual Rolfing process is conducted over a series of 10 carefully devised sessions with each session lasting from 75 to 90 minutes. The sessions are typically spaced a week or two apart so the process takes from 2 to 4 months to complete.

The sessions are cumulative and each session builds on the work of the previous sessions. You do not need to commit to the ten sessions at the start and most people experience positive changes in just one session. Within the first three sessions most people will know if Rolfing provides them with what they are seeking.

How does Rolfing differ from Chiropractic and Massage?

Chiropractors work to re-align bones and tend to use high velocity thrusting methods. However if the patterns in the soft tissue are not addressed then the bones will continue to be pulled out of alignment.

Massage focuses on relaxing individual muscles and detoxification. Rolfing looks at changing the construction and organisation of the whole body's structure.

Do the changes from Rolfing last?

Yes! Photographs taken of client's years after the Basic Ten Series show that changes are still present and structure often improved. Keep in mind however, as life changes, bodies change in response. Any injuries, accidents, lengthy illnesses and emotional stress may necessitate additional work.

What specific symptoms is Rolfing recognized to help?

• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Whiplash injuries
• Back and neck pain
• Knee and hip pain
• Temporal Mandibular (TMJ) problems
• Plantar Fasciitis
• Frozen Shoulder syndrome
• Tennis Elbow
• Scoliosis
• Headaches

How will I feel after the Rolfing process?

After completing ten sessions with a Certified Rolfer, a client can expect to experience a greater sense of all-over freedom. Better posture and improved movement can be expected. An enhanced understanding of how the body operates in harmony with gravity will be developed through the sessions. This new comprehension of the self can then be taken forward by the client and further experienced as a process of lifelong learning.

Where does the word "Rolfing" come from?

The name Rolfing came from its creator, Dr. Ida P. Rolf. She titled the work Structural Integration, and while this title has become the generic name of what Rolfers do, it did not stick early on whereas the name Rolfing did. It is somewhat of an odd name for the work, but you'll probably always remember what it is and what it did for you.

Where are you located?

I am based in Dublin City Center on Baggot Street. Call me on 087 913 0981 for more information or to make an appointment.